$5,000.00 USD

  1. PARTICIPATION: By registering, you understand that you're committing to attend the Cracking the Chrysalis 1:1 coaching prep calls, completion calls and the whole days of the Cracking the Chrysalis Retreats until the container closes on the last day.
  2. ADDITIONAL EXPENSES: You understand and agree that you are responsible for your travel for all in-person Cracking the Chrysalis Retreats.
  3. The investment for the Cracking the Chrysalis Retreats is NOT REFUNDABLE. If a last-minute force majeure event occurs, like severe sickness, accident, or death, the investment will be credited for a future Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat, minus the room and board.
  4. SUBSTANCE-FREE POLICY: We ask that you refrain from the use of consciousness-altering substances and alcohol 1 week before and during our time together. This includes the use of psychedelics and cannabis. Prescription psychiatric medications must be disclosed to the facilitation team before the retreat. For an optimal experience we recommend reducing your use of caffeine, tobacco, CBD, and hapé (also known as rapé) and caffeine prior to and at the retreat.
  5. ASSUMPTION OF RISK: a) You understand that this waiver covers all virtual or in-person interactions. b) You understand that the work we do in Cracking the Chrysalis Retreats are emotionally, mentally, and physically demanding. You understand that the program hours are long in duration and can be physically and emotionally strenuous. You realize that there is a potential risk and possibility of harm associated with this work. You understand that this work is emergent. Meaning, not all of the risks associated with the activities during the Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat are known or foreseeable. c) You understand that it is your responsibility to consult with a physician and/or therapist prior to and regarding your participation in a Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat. You represent and warrant that you are fit and have no physical, mental, or emotional conditions that would prevent your full participation in a Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat or that could result in any significant harm to yourself or others. d) You agree to disclose and/or have disclosed any psychological or physical health problems or limitations to the Cracking the Chrysalis Facilitation Team at the time of application. You understand that it is your responsibility to disclose anything new that arises throughout the Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat that may potentially affect your ability to fully participate in the work. e) You understand some of the Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat participants and/or Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat facilitators, team, leaders, and volunteers (herein referred to as “Team”) may use profanity or may engage in physical challenges. f) You understand and agree that any concepts, notions, ideas, suggestions, and recommendations from Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat that you accept and/or apply to your life, you do so of your own free will. g) You declare that you have the agency to set boundaries. You understand that it is your responsibility to say no or opt-out of activities that do not align with your personal code of conduct. You can also clearly state your own wants and needs as they arise at the moment, even when it’s not in alignment with the consensus of the group. h) In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat, you voluntarily assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries, or damages, known or unknown, which you might incur as a result of participating in a Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat, including any and all activities done with the Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat group, or as an individual at the retreat venue.
  6. PSYCHOTHERAPY DISCLOSURE: You understand and agree that all Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat activities in which you participate individually or as part of the Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat community, are not a substitute for psychotherapy and are not therapeutic in nature. You understand your responsibility for your own psychological health outside of your participation in a Cracking the Chrysalis Retreat.
  7. INDEMNIFICATION: As a Participant, you hereby indemnify and hold the Organization and Lead Facilitator, as well as the Organizations and Lead Facilitator's respective officers, representatives, and employees, harmless from and against any loss, damage, or expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred or suffered by or threatened against Organization and/or Lead Facilitator or any of the foregoing in connection with or as a result of (a) Participant act(s) or omission(s) or breach of this agreement, or b) any claim for personal injury or property damage or otherwise brought by or on behalf of any third party person/corporation as a result of or in connection with the Engagement, which claim does not result from the active and willful negligence of the Organization.

Cracking the Chrysalis 2024 | Early Bird Shared Accommodations, Pay in Full

*This price will go up by $500 on September 13th*

Cracking the Chrysalis is a one-of-a-kind immersion designed to activate and accelerate the positive impact of visionary leaders.

November 13-17th, 2024

We personally invite you to join our intimate gathering, nestled in the jungles of Costa Rica at Holos Global, to be enriched and supported by our team of four world-class facilitators. Throughout this immersive retreat, you will experience:

  • Five Days and Four Nights of immersive leadership workshops and community connection.
  • Two Nights of Sacred Ceremony with world-class guides to build a frequency of heart-centered and inspired leadership.
  • One-on-One & Group Coaching with a team of facilitators to activate preparation and optimize integration.
  • Leadership Mastermind experiences forge the cohort of high-level entrepreneurs, visionaries, and business leaders.
  • Food As Medicine Culinary Experience with gourmet, farm-to-table meals and holistic somatic coaching.
  • Luxurious private glamping accommodations surrounded by the jungles of Costa Rica at the new Holos Global eco-retreat.

We recognize this potent moment in our history and offer sacred support to all those ready to initiate a new frequency of heart centered human evolution. Are you willing to answer the call?

We’re ready to welcome you!